Tuesday, June 4, 2013


When I first heard about what had happened in Moore it was heart breaking. Scott and Kaitlyn quickly came to mind, ( they are the couple in the post below this one and they currently live in OKC.) Kaitlyn emailed me back saying that they were fine, which was great to hear. The next day I received a call asking if I could help another photographer who had been asked to go document what was going on in Moore for the organization Save the Children. I spent the next two hours getting all my stuff together and figuring out what to do with Remy ( Thanks, Anna! ) When I arrived it didn't look like anything I had ever seen before. I heard people on the radio on the drive up describing it looking like a war zone, and unfortunately that was pretty accurate. I was only there for two days, but in those two days I saw a side of the people of Oklahoma that will forever stick with me. We just kept meeting people who had lost everything but who still had hope. Probably the most humbling moment for me was when we met a guy who took us into the hallway of his house where he held a mattress over his family's head while the tornado came through. That hallway was the only spot in the entire house that had all of its walls after the tornado passed! I wanted to share photos of some of the things I saw and some of the people I met. I do realize that these photos can't do justice to the magnitude of the devastation nor the amazing character of these people, but they can show a quick look into what I saw during my short time in Moore.

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